Who Are We
LTM Holdings (LTM) specialises in comprehensive and integrated energy, water and waste management solutions including renewables to commercial and industrial customers in South Africa. We approach energy management in an all-inclusive manner, ensuring that each and every energy-saving opportunity is appropriately explored.
- Advise best fit technology
- Provide no bias to a specific branded product
- Unique blend of skills and experience obtained primarily in the energy industry
- Flexible funding models
- Shared savings
- Power purchase agreement; and
- Lease-to-own models that require zero capital outlay resulting in positive NPV from day 1

Our experience in the South African power sector, technical skills and excellent relationships are what sets us apart from the competition.
The Values we stand by
- To uphold honest and ethical business practices
- To maintain a standard of excellence in every aspect of the business
- To be innovative and adaptable to the changing market needs
- To satisfy and exceed customer expectations with high-quality, cost-effective products and superior service delivery
In support of the value discipline of customer primary values:
- Creativity
- Reliability
- Responsiveness
- Innovation
- Customer Centricity

The world is entering a period of energy scarcity and South Africa’s previously abundant electricity reserves have now been eroded. LTM Energy, as a responsible corporate citizen, will play its role in sustaining the natural resources of this planet. We need to be party to leaving a legacy of care and continuity.
In brief, our value stems from the following attributes:
The founding members have over 40 years of collective experience in the energy industry. They have a comprehensive understanding of both local and international electricity industries and the value chain. They have started up 2 divisions within Eskom which focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy, predominantly to large corporates and industrial customers. This included power conservation programmes.

Having gained years of experience in Eskom, we have been able to form valuable relationships with important stakeholders in the industry, potential clients and within Eskom and Government.

Our company boasts an assortment of technical, financial, marketing and relationship management skills, which when combined make us a powerhouse of success.

Solution Driven:
We are a technology agnostic company i.e. unlike other ESCOs in the market, we do not focus on a specific function like lighting or HVAC. We take a holistic approach, and offer the customer an energy management solution, complete with possible funding solutions.
Performance Guarantees:
We guarantee, expedite and optimise on donor funding. Our products have at least a three-year warranty e.g. LEDS and Fluorescents. With certain products we use e.g. a voltage regulator. We will honour our performance else we will ensure a refund to keep to our upfront agreement/pledge.

International Best Practice:
Being professional engineers and senior technical members of the World Energy Council and a member of SAIEE, ECSA and IEEE, we are constantly exposed to new and innovative energy-efficient technologies that are being implemented as best breed. This knowledge ensures our solutions are in line with international best practices.

In addition to offering advice on energy efficiency and renewable energy, we also strive to educate our clients on how to be more energy efficient at home and at their work environment.

Our Business
Nature and business of the company
LTM Energy is an Energy Services Company (ESCO) with a unique blend of skills and experience obtained primarily in the energy industry. LTM Energy uses globally benchmarked technological expertise and capacity to provide clients with customised and meaningful energy and operating data portfolios. We develop energy management solutions that comply with ISO 50 001, King 3 and South Africa’s renewable energy policy and regulations. Our complete energy audit package enable us to balance energy usage to renewable energy and energy efficiency and includes consultancy, auditing and an energy efficiency ‘toolkit’ to deal with: compliance with legislation and regulations goal setting, measurement and monitoring ISO 14000 verification financial modelling funding facilitation information gathering trials and testing using measurement equipment continuous improvement client-specific energy efficiency tools It is a progressive company that is passionate about creativity and innovation and is committed to the long term vision of a prosperous and crime-free South Africa.
Our Strategic Partners
Tata International
LTM Energy and Tata International are strategic partners that bring scalable solution offerings with access to a global resource pool of multiple engineering disciplines. Tata has a market capitalisation of $145 billion with more than 690 000 resources employed globally. TATA is well positioned and pledges support to LTM Energy in the water, waste and energy management services. This will include the multidisciplinary engineering consulting services and project execution in the various disciplines.
Industries We Serve
- Corporate Facilities
- Industrial
- Healthcare
- Teleco Industries
- Agriculture
- Residential
- Mining
- Banking Institutions
- Retail