Bursary offered to Brindhavan Student
Tertiary Educational Fees: Bursary payment & Job offer with mentorship
for Sashleen Naidoo studying a Bachelor of Science in Engineering majoring in
Sashleen Naidoo’s parents were unable to make the payments for her University fees LTM Energy
(subsidiary to the holdings group) had generously offered to pay for her tuitions and books and
offered to mentor her once her studies are successfully completed.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dhevan Pillay, CEO
of LTM Group on following through on his commitment to bursar
an Engineering student from Brindhavan Secondary, by
sponsoring my daughter, Sashleen, yet again, for this her final
year of study towards her Chemical Engineering degree at UKZN
Howard College.”

This follows on from his sponsorship of her studies in 2018.
My wife, and I, are grateful that Sashleen’s capabilities were
recognized, and that she has been afforded the opportunity to
realize her dreams through Dhevan Pillay’s gesture.
It is our wish that she reciprocates this act of giving back to one’s
Alma Mater when she is in a position to do so.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated Dhevan Pillay.
LTM Energy had chosen to offer Sashleen the Bursary as the cost of living is going up , state
support for Education is very competitive and not enough funding is out there to accommodate
the amount of high performing students interested in tertiary education, student loan debt is
constantly increasing amongst the youth and Sashleen had been a straight A student. In the
long-term she would also bring new talent to the organization. The organization had wanted
her to reach for the stars and reach her full potential.